Hotties® | 微波爐暖包



Hotties® | 微波爐暖包融合了暖水袋同Vetbed的功效,只要將Hotties® 放入微波爐加熱即可。可以放於寵物床墊底,為寵兒提供幾小時的恒溫床鋪。 Hotties® is a microwavable heat pad for pets, just like a hot water bottle. Like a hot water bottle, the Hotties® microwavable heat pad for pets gives continuous gentle warmth. It can be heated in the microwave and lasts for hours, helping with muscle relaxation, relieving injury and reducing stress.

Maklumat produk

  • Microwavable
  • Clinically proven to relieve aches and pains
  • Helps with muscle relaxation
  • Can relieve injury and reduce stress
  • Microwaves in minutes, stays warm for hours
  • Provides extra warmth and comfort in cold weather, times of stress and recuperation
  • Patented inner thermal pack
  • Chew and claw resistant
  • No wheat, no gels, no waxes – safe for the animal
  • Approximately 8″ x  9″

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