Cool-Coat ™ 涼爽衣

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Prestige Cool-Coats ™ 選用水分蒸發冷卻物料,達至消暑降溫而不沾濕狗狗毛髮功效,適合平日散步以至到公園遊玩時穿著。 只要將Prestige Cool-Coats浸泡在水中吸水,擠出多餘水份,以不滴水為準,再讓狗狗穿上。Cool-Coats™ 除了可以為狗狗降溫消暑外,也可以有效阻隔太陽直射狗狗身體。 當Cool-Coats™ 上的水分蒸發完,只要重新浸水「啟動」,即可重新使用。 Made In China |中國製 Size 尺碼. Coat Length 衫長. Belly Width 肚圍 XS. 28cm 30-39cm S. 38cm 39-51cm M. 50cm 52-62cm L. 64cm 63-85cm XL. 80cm 85-110cm


Prestige Cool-Coats™


來自英國的Prestige Cool-Coats ™ 選用水分蒸發冷卻物料,達至消暑降溫而不沾濕狗狗毛髮功效,適合平日散步以至到公園遊玩時穿著。

只要將Prestige Cool-Coats浸泡在水中吸水,擠出多餘水份,以不滴水為準,再讓狗狗穿上。Cool-Coats™  除了可以為狗狗降溫消暑外,也可以有效阻隔太陽直射狗狗身體。

當Cool-Coats™  上的水分蒸發完,只要重新浸水「啟動」,即可重新使用。 


⚠️ 炎熱天氣,不管你採用了多少預防中暑的措施,仍然會有中暑風險,必須小心。⚠️

Prestige Cool-Coats™ are activated by water; they are light, cool and soft to the touch, making them luxurious and comfortable for your dog to wear.

The Cool-Coat will make your dog feel cool, not wet. You can test this by putting your hand beneath the dog's coat and feeling how cool he feels compared to any part of his coat that is exposed to the sun or heat for a period of time.

As the heat of the day slowly evaporates the moisture from the Cool-Coat, this, in turn, draws the heat out of the dog's body. Leaving him feeling far cooler than before.

When your Cool-Coat coat starts to dry out, it will begin to return to its natural state, becoming slightly dryer, and a little stiff. When this happens, simply re-activate your coat by putting it in water.

Immersing the Cool-Coat in water for just a couple of minutes. Once the Cool-Coat is completely saturated, remove the coat and squeeze out the excess water, so your coat feels cool, yet not wet.

To clean your Cool-Coat, wash thoroughly in clean water; if really dirty, it is safe to put your Cool-Coat through the washing machine. Please remember to wash dark colours separately.

To store, simply allow your coat to dry and pack away.

Our Cool-Coats are made from 100% synthetic material; they are simple to use, wash and store.

